House Concerts with Chip Richter- "There's no place like home."
We're so glad you’re reading this and hope as you read on you’ll get excited about the prospect of hosting a House Concert in your community. House Concerts can be presented as a Cabin Fever Concert, Christmas Concert, Fall Festival or Spring Fling. They are very intimate and fun family gatherings. Perfect for celebrating and creating special memories with friends and family members. Read more about how House Concerts work and drop us a line and we'll answer any questions and help you with all the details.
How House Concerts WorkThe definition of house concert is not definite but is generally taken as a concert that's presented in someone's home, or a nearby private space, for example a barn or back yard.
Booking a House ConcertTypically we try to book House Concerts as "add on" dates to a group of tour dates Chip has already booked. If you've got friends with kids and like to throw parties and welcome folks into your home and want to host a House Concert drop us a message. We'll let you know if there's anything booked that will be bringing Chip near your town and we can add your House Concert to his current travels. To get more information and get the ball rolling just click on the More Details Button below.